"Initially, during my first Awareness Through Movement® lesson
in 1976, I fell asleep.
Lucky for me, the next day as I was rolling out of bed, I was able to notice how light and pleasurable my movements were.
My whole being felt light, easy and free."
"I became so curious to the uniqueness of this experience, I engaged in the last training program of The Feldenkrais Method® taught by
Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc. in 1980-81."

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Find Freedom, Ease and New Possibilities through the Feldenkrais® Method
with BonnieK as Your Guide.
Bonnie Kissam, M.A. in Education
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® / Assistant Trainer, Licensed Massage Therapist
I have stayed committed to Dr. Feldenkrais' Method® for over 40 years. I trust that our patterns of action have been learned for a reason and I collaborate with you so that we both honor and listen to what works for you and how, step by step, you can develop new options.

Through asking questions and attention to your movements you become more aware so that your abilities and your choices can expand. If we quietly support what is not working and focus on enhancing what works, new possibilities evolve.

"When I first came to BonnieK more than 10 years ago, I had suffered with shoulder and neck pain since adolescence. That perpetual pain was gone in two months and has stayed gone ever since. When I had breast cancer, her non-invasive, clear touch was just what my sensitive nervous system needed to relieve my pain and jump start my healing. She helped me sense hope - body and mind. This is one of the best things I have ever done in my life, Thank you Bonnie. All my love and gratitude."
Grace Jenkins
"If you are willing to think “skill” and not just “conditioning,” you will enhance your abilities effortlessly — no matter your age or condition — in a relatively short amount of time." BonnieK
"It's not flexible bodies I am after but flexible minds."
Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc.
Dr. Feldenkrais created 'Awareness Through Movement® lessons' to engage your brain to independently self-discover and self-coach shifts in your own patterns of action. I collaborate with you to notice old patterns and through sensing differences, inhibit the old and develop opportunities to create new possibilities.
Either in an Awareness Through Movement Group Lesson, an Individual Zoom session or, In Person Functional Integration® lesson, you will heighten your ability to listen to your kinesthetic sense, and revive your curiosity as you become more involved with the many options you have within yourself to move forward towards new possibilities.
Complimentary Experience of The Feldenkrais Method®Receive a Complimentary Experience of The Feldenkrais Method®
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The Complimentary Experience is designed for you to get a brief introduction to Awareness through Movement® process and thinking as taught by BonnieK. You can just simply watch or participate to experience full benefits.
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