The Effortless Swing® Approach for Optimal Golf

Deep down inside, every golfer knows what it means to swing effortlessly.
You know that time when somehow the club head meets the ball in such a way
that the ball lifts and flies, with no effort at all.

The EffortlessSwing® approach for optimal golf demonstrates to golfers how they can become a more consistent, focused and powerful golfer by learning to use minimum effort for maximum gain.  

"My big take-away from the Feldenkrais instruction was that I had lapsed into "hitting mechanically" rather than "swinging naturally". Being more "effortless" has definitely helped all aspects (swinging, chipping and putting) of my game. 
Thanks again - Arnie T.
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Do you hold your breath when you address the ball?
Do you clench your teeth and grip the club way too tightly?
Your worst enemy could be yourself!

Golf is a series of effortless swings
Golf is a game of consistency
Golf is a game of inches
Golf is a game of the MIND

The EffortlessSwing® approach is a series of movement/awareness lessons designed to bring every golfer back to their natural, easy movements known before age, injury, and stress interfered. As a participant you are guided through specialized movement lessons -- out of the context of your golf swing in your own home -- and performed on a mat or in a chair. You learn to listen kinesthetically with attention to HOW you move, find space between your joints and then re-create the anatomical connections you need for an effortless swing. 

Wouldn't you want to:
Create an optimal neuromuscular-skeletal organization within your brain that supports posture and safer spinal movement?
Heighten your focus, attention and curiosity with an inquiry-growth mindset for continuous improvement? 
Discover Better Balance, alignment and timing for a consistent golf swing?


Golfers at all levels find benefits. This includes the scratch golfer who takes time to study the game, the new golfer experiencing difficulty with their swing, the seasoned golfer who has been injured, and the pro, constantly looking for new programs that can improve consistency and power with their students' golf game.


 Are you ready to take a journey inward, towards more awareness of your 'inner game'?

10 Easy Steps plus 2 individual coaching sessions


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The Effortless Swing® Approach for optimal golf.  

Online audio Movement/Awareness lessons with video recordings for easy-to-follow instructions as your guide. 

Created by Bonnie Kissam, M.A. 1992

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Simply click below to purchase The Effortless Swing® Approach for Optimal Golf including TWO Individual Lessons via Zoom

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